Elevate your online brand with our website audit. Our experienced team will review your website design, user experience, content, and brand consistency, providing you with valuable insights and practical recommendations for improvement.

What's included

  • Design

    • A review of the overall website aesthetics, including the use of brand colours, typography, and imagery.

  • User experience

    • An evaluation of the website's user interface and user experience, assessing whether it is intuitive, user—friendly, and easy to navigate.

  • Content

    • A topline analysis of the website’s content, evaluating whether it is clear, succinct and on brand.

  • Brand consistency

    • A check of the brand consistency across digital spaces, including social media platforms, email marketing, and other digital marketing channels.

  • Recommendations

    • A summary of the findings with actionable recommendations for improving the company's digital presence.


  • Cost

    • £900+VAT

  • Turnaround

    • One week

  • About ohmy

    • OHMY is a design and technology studio that builds brands and digital products. We help established businesses and startups to give meaningful answers to their most challenging questions.